Open to KPE Graduate
Open to KPE Undergraduate
Event's Start Date
Event's End Date
Explore research-related career options beyond academia in the final KINections career event of the year! Attend to speed-network with other graduate students and alumni and hear more about their career paths in various areas.
Discover how the research skills you’ve developed through your degree at KPE can be transferred to new roles and how to apply your expertise to careers in a range of fields. Light refreshments will be served.
Panelists include:
- Jordan Clancy - Student Support, UTM Registrars Office
- Christine Medeiros - Implementation Science Manager, Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario
- Tiit Romet - Retired Research Analyst, Government of Canada - Security & Defence
Due to capacity restrictions, priority will be given to graduate students for in-person attendance at this event. Space is limited so sign up early!