Drop-In Spikeball

Spikeball is a combination of Volleyball, four-squat, and fun. Spikeball is a team sport played by two teams of two players. Opposing teams line up across from each other with the Spikeball net in the center. The ball is put in play with a serve—a hit by the server from behind the service boundary into the net to an opposing player. Once the ball is served players can move anywhere they want. The object of the game is to hit the ball into the net so that the opposing team cannot return it. 

  • Please note: all Drop-In schedules are subject to change. Check the program page via links below for the most up to date schedule and available time slots.

VARSITY CENTRE schedule - winter only

Back campus schedule - spring, summer, fall

Scheduling & Important Information

Winter 2025 - Starts January 13

Varsity Centre Dome

1:00pm-2:55pm  2:30pm-3:55pm   
Upcoming Schedule Adjustments
  • No drop in on February 20th 
  • March 10-14: No drop in 


Key program information


Back Campus Fields (20 Tower Rd., Toronto)  - outdoor spikeball - spring, summer, fall

Varsity Centre Dome (299 Bloor St. W, Toronto) - indoor spikeball - winter only


Students: Current students paying incidental fees can access this programming at no additional cost. 

Members: Anyone with an active Sport & Rec Membership can access this programming at no additional cost. 

Equipment/ What To Wear
  • Participants are asked to wear comfortable and appropriate athletic attire while joining in drop-in activities. Athletic shoes with non-marking soles are required in all drop-in activity areas
  • Closed-toed, activity-appropriate footwear is required. Please make sure shoes are free of debris before entering the facility
  • Socks, barefoot and back-less shoes will not be allowed at anytime
  • A shirt is required during all drop-in activities
  • Jeans and dress pants are not permitted
  • Sport & Rec staff has final say in determining appropriate clothing
  • Physical activity facilitators will be setting up the Spikeball kits. 
Rules & Etiquette